
Life jackets symbolize the plight of refugees in Brooklyn display
Oxfam America, a global organization that addresses poverty, hunger and injustice arranged used refugee life jackets on Pebble Beach at […]

Cuban Americans still can’t agree on Obama’s historic visit to Cuba
A month after Obama's controversial visit to island, Cuban Americans can't agree whether it was a good idea.

Bushwick’s Dispossessed Latino Community
Members of Make The Road NY sing songs, share meals, and learn about their rights. Above is Angel Vera, of […]

Special Report: Midterm Elections 2014
As Election Day nears, Latino vote remains underrepresented and elusive
Latinos have become an increasingly important voting bloc.

Undocumented teens demonstrate for immigration reform
The issue in question was immigration reform.
Volunteers encourage Obamacare sign ups in Union Square
The event was part of a national day of action promoting Obamacare
Special Reports
Corn, carrots and the Inauguration
For members of the anti-GMO Inauguration Day demonstration, the chance to spread the word about genetically modified foods to such a large group is what brought them to the Mall in protest.
Special Reports
Sound issues hurt Inauguration
Some in the audience booed as the screen briefly turned off, others couldn’t help but laugh at the sporadic transmission.
Special Reports
Obama’s Inauguration has fewer attendees, but optimism prevails
In the midst of a deep partisan divide in Congress, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, Obama’s message of hope and promise for the country remain in tact.
Special Reports
Four generations witness Inauguration
The majority of the crowd was black. The strong presence proved the significance of the President’s two term hasn’t been lost on the black community.