Arts (Page 2)

Arson Shakes Bushwick Queer Community
“I could have never imagined this would happen,” said Tyler Glenn, the club's bartender when the fire broke out.

Special Report: Reporting Black America
Black photographer’s work reveals the power and beauty of Blackness
His models hold their heads high, often looking down the barrel of the lens, their faces stoic, powerful.

Special Report: Reporting Black America
Interest in African art is growing
Since the murder of George Floyd and the more widespread focus on Black culture, the demand for his company's artworks and the diversity in his clientele has increased.

Special Report: Reporting Black America
Celebrating the Everyday Normalcy in Black Life
“But I think that once we start to see the normalcy in everyday life as the thread that connects us all, there will be less of a conversation about why it's important to show the differences in Black life as opposed to why it's important to show that Black people are human beings. ”

NFT or Digital asset art nets thousands in sales
Unlike cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, an NFT is typically one of a kind, which can make them extremely valuable.

Airstream Art on Astor Place
“I’ve missed seeing stuff like this.”

Sticker Art, NYC
The streets of New York City are covered in tiny works of art. Thousands of stickers decorate the backs of street signs, mailboxes, lamp posts, and scaffolding. The artists behind the stickers use their surroundings to communicate with each other and the general public - expressing their views on everything from mental health to gentrification to love.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
The show goes on
The theatre industry creates approximately $13 billion dollars of tax revenue for the city of New York.

NY People: Artist, Joyce Ziyuan Jin
Joyce Ziyuan Jin is an illustration student at the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
Brooklyn Book Festival held virtually
But the virtual format also discourages some people who don’t like online events