Special Reports (Page 9)

Features•Special Reports
New York City Marathon: Staten Island
Park rangers and police officers were turning away people with without identification bands. In addition to Van Briesen Park, Fort Wadsworth itself was accessible only to runners, police officers, and park rangers.

Features•Special Reports
NYC Marathon: Long Island City, Queens
Every time the crowd’s cheers grew louder, signifying the arrival of another wheelchair athlete, the ex-Marine smiled. “This is what we’re fighting for,” he said.

Features•Multimedia•News•Special Reports
The Pope in NYC
Poep Francis brings his message of love, hope and acceptance to the city. But he also brings inconvenience and controversy.

Special Reports
14 years later: Spreading the word of God at ground zero
There was a degree of nostalgia for the religious climate of the United States that flourished in the aftermath of the attacks.

Special Reports
14 Years Later: First responders still in battle for their lives
Sam Kedem(left) and Les Speiser (right) were first responders during the Ground Zero Relief effort and meet every year for […]

Special Reports
14 Years Later: Maryland couple honor those lost every year
In Maryland, she works as a nurse and remembered how the attack on the Pentagon made everyone so anxious. She saw how intensely everyone was affected, and how vulnerable people became.

Special Reports
14 Years Later: A sister’s story
Her sister would not give up, she insisted she leave, and that they meet at the McDonald's in the area. Gutierrez gave in and decided to leave the building.

Special Reports
14 Years Later: Working at the intersection of tragedy and trade
Though the hundreds of individuals that walk into One World Trade Center everyday can likely recall precisely where they were when the towers were hit, for many the tragedy is something to remember, not relive.

Special Reports
14 Years Later: Remembering and Celebrating
“God Bless America,” the message Wanda Thompson, a New York resident, left on a mural on Church Street on Sept. […]

News•Special Reports
Blizzard of 2015: West Village
Samson was out with her brown female Labradoodle, Wizhtle.