Full Archive (Page 174)
Slideshows•Special Reports
Still Occupying: Whose Street? Our Street
Occupy Wall Street hits the streets again to demonstrate for their one anniversary.
News•Special Reports
Still Occupying: Arrested once, but still not afraid to fight
The danger of arrest might have been present again this morning, but Rachel Smith made it clear she was in the OWS movement for the long haul.
Still Occupying: Discontent with Obama fills OWS
Ahead of the November presidential elections, protestors gathered for a day of action Monday morning in Manhattan’s Financial District in […]
News•Special Reports
Still Occupying: CODEPINK
Some activists feel they have been directly impacted by this “war.”
News•Special Reports
Still Occupying: Police Occupy Wall Street
What was intended to be an act of civil disobedience turned into a cat-and-mouse chase with police, who prevented protestors from being able to occupy anything.
News•Special Reports
Still Occupying: OWS not just a youth movement
By 7:09 a.m. Bill Steyert, 69, had been arrested for blocking traffic.
Still Occupying: Lack of cohesive message doesn’t stop the OWS movement.
The southernmost tip of Manhattan was transformed into a birthday party of sorts as the People’s Puppets, a theatrical group of Occupy Wall Street demonstrators, assembled, donned their party hats, rehearsed a few catchy OWS-themed tunes and marched north into the heart of the financial district.
Free hearing aids given out in the Bronx
The Help America Hear Foundation has given 332 people life-changing hearing aids.
Gun buyback event in Bushwick nets 85 weapons
Event was organized in response to the burgeoning number of homicides and gun violence in the Bushwick community.
Free hearing aids for those in need
People with hearing disabilities and low incomes received free hearing aids today as part of the “Help America Hear” program organized by the Foundation for Sight and Sound.