Features (Page 48)

Little Italy celebrated at the San Gennaro Feast
For 11 days the Feast of San Gennaro takes over the small Little Italy neighborhood that borders Soho, Tribeca, The Lower East Side and Chinatown.

Cyclist demand safety as fatal accidents rise.
Cyclists demand safety.

Life jackets symbolize the plight of refugees in Brooklyn display
Oxfam America, a global organization that addresses poverty, hunger and injustice arranged used refugee life jackets on Pebble Beach at […]

Mock presidential debate morphs into comedy
It quickly became clear none of the debaters were Trump supporters.

Features•News•Special Reports
Selfies, tourists and memories of 9/11
Watch the crowd gathered at the 9/11 memorial site and you will see markers of people in service: t-shirts with the names of the fallen beneath the words, “Never Forget”, badges and pins indicating ranks, ladder numbers, and squads.

Features•News•Special Reports
City’s Muslims struggle to escape the shadow of 9/11
With nearly one million Muslims, New York is reportedly among the states with the highest Muslim population.

Features•News•Special Reports
On 9/11 mourners and tourists remember the victims
Mourners and families gather near ground zero to remember.

Features•News•Special Reports
The 9/11 truth from the “Truthers”
Their main allegation is that the Twin Towers and Tower 7 collapsed from a controlled demolition, and the plane crashes were just a diversion.

Features•News•Special Reports
The pain of 9/11 continues
Hundreds of thousands of people from 50 states and over 100 countries have visited the National September 11 Memorial & Museum since it opened five years ago.

Features•News•Special Reports
The bells ring to remember on 9/11
On the first anniversary of 9/11, the Mayor of London and the Archbishop of Canterbury presented the Bell of Hope to St. Paul’s Chapel, which has been operating in Manhattan since colonial times.