
Features (Page 77)


NYC Marathon: Families cheer on the East Side

Murphy’s daughter ran her first marathon in Oregon, but she said there is nothing like the unique and colorful crowds of support in New York City.


NYC Marathon: Waiting for the Chilean miner

Jumping up and down from the sidelines Sunday evening, the Chile native cheered on the thinning stream of runners who entered the race’s final stretch through Central Park.


NYC Marathon: The Dunkin’ Donuts water station

It was the volunteers at the watering stations and bystanders from other neighborhoods who cheered the loudest in Williamsburg.


NYC Marathon: Museum Mile

Bundled up on the Upper East Side, two fresh faces provided a burst of energy for runners whose spirits seemed to be waning as they approached the last part of the race.


NYC Marathon: Girls On Top

Girls On Top, a New York City-based cover band, has acted as a musical cheering section for marathon runners for the past six years.


NYC Marathon: Inspired Long Island City

Thousands of people cheered, clapped and jangled little pink bells in support of New York City Marathon runners on 11th Street and 48th Avenue in Long Island City.


NYC Marathon: A neighborhood comes to life

Although levels of enthusiasm and personal investment varied among members of the crowd, a plethora of whistles, Haitian flags, instruments, dancers and neon signs—with slogans ranging from “Beer Run?” to “Almost There”—let the runners know that the Clinton Hill community cared. Some people even dressed in costumes or danced along the sidelines.


NYC Marathon: Punk rock in Park Slope

Steel Wolf, a self-proclaimed “loud rawk” band from Long Island, entertained marathon spectators in Park Slope, Brooklyn with their crude and humorous blend of punk rock.


NYC Marathon: Champion backwards runner cheers in Harlem

Ernest Conner, 66, set the first world record for running backwards at the 1980 New York City Marathon.


NYC Marathon: Waiting for their runners

This year, 150 racers participated on behalf of Get Kids Going, a British charity that provides sports wheelchairs and personal training to disabled children.