Full Archive (Page 146)

Features•Special Reports
NYC Marathon: Family support in Central Park
Temperatures were at a frigid 52 degrees and wind speeds up to 26mph. Officials said it was slowing down runners by five minutes on average.

Features•Special Reports
NYC Marathon: At Mile 20, The Bronx
The Bronx is known for being one of the most tiring spots in the TCS New York City Marathon.

Features•Special Reports
NYC Marathon: Canadian pride shines in Williamsburg
Events like the New York City marathon are good for the world.

Features•Special Reports
NYC Marathon: The energy of Spanish Harlem
Cow bells and kazoos sounded around bright posters and costumed supporters who came to watch 40,000 people who signed up for 26.2 miles of leg work.

Features•Special Reports
NYC Marathon: Collecting discarded running clothes in Bay Ridge
While waiting for the next wave of runners, she went to middle of the street and collected the clothing the runners threw off their now warmed up bodies.

Features•Special Reports
NYC Marathon: Smiles in Sunset Park
The street is crowded with sidewalk bands, people hanging out of apartment buildings waving flags, and a nearby church holds a cookout.

Special Report: Midterm Elections 2014
Critics of Education Policy Grow Louder at Elections Approach
Teacher unions, which hold a lot of power in the Democratic Party, now oppose the Common Core.

Features•Special Reports
NYC Marathon: Samurai at the start of the race
Aoiko Moisu, from Tokyo, Japan, participated in the marathon for the second time, proudly wearing traditional samurai attire.

Special Report: Midterm Elections 2014
Volunteers Come out for Recchia Campaign for Congress
The race for New York’s 11th Congressional District seat has been one of the most competitive in the current election cycle.

Special Report: Midterm Elections 2014
Cuomo’s Women’s Equality Agenda Raises More Questions Than Answers
The 10-point Women’s Equality Agenda seeks to improve many aspects of women’s lives, including pay equity, access to abortion and protection for domestic abuse victims.