Protest (Page 5)

Protesters stand in solidarity against Kavanaugh confirmation
“I am energized.”

Protesters mourn Kavanagh confirmation in Washington Square Park
Voting is the only answer, they said.

Protesters march for Botham Shem Jean and against racism
Off duty police officer, Amber Guyger, 26, shot Jean on Sept. 6th. The killing has sparked protests nationwide.
Protesters wants bank to stop funding immigration detention centers
Guatemalan toddler Mariee Juarez died in a mention center funded by JP Morgan,

Protesting Trump with buttons
“It’s a matter of protesting,” said Rossen. “And what the hell, let’s make a little money, too. Anything to blow off steam.”

Trauma and anger fuel some women to fight against Kavanagh’s nomination
The Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) reports that every year, nearly 400,000 children and adults are victims of sexual assault. As rampant as the issue is, only a handful – about six in 1,000 – perpetrators are sentenced to prison.

Anger remains one year after Hurricane Maria ripped through Puerto Rico
Protesters believe that the federal government is to blame.

Protesters call Chinese government treatment of Muslims “inhumane”
Protesters claim that the Chinese government is arbitrarily detaining members of Muslim minority communities in political detention centers.

Brooklyn protesters say no to gentrification
Brooklyn is changing.
Jewish and Palestinian Students Clash in Washington Square Park
A student celebration of Israel is met by protestors.